Wellness Policy

  • Legal Background to Wellness Policy

    The reauthorization of the federal Child Nutrition and Women, Infants and Children Act of 2004 requires each school district participating in the Nation School Lunch Program (42 USC 1751-1769) or the Child Nutrition Act of 1996 (42 USC 1771 - 1791) to adopt and implement a Wellness Policy. The specific areas to be covered include:

    • Goals for nutrition education, physical activity, and other school-based activities that are designed to promote student wellness in an appropriate manner as determined by the district.
    • With the objectives of promoting student health and reducing childhood obesity, develop nutrition guidelines for all foods available on each school campus.
    • Guidelines for reimbursable meals will not be less restrictive than federal regulations and guidance issued pursuant to 42 USC 1758(f)(1), 1766(a) and (b), as they apply to schools.
    • A plan for measuring implementation and adherence to the wellness policy.

    District Wellness Policy Highlights
    蜜桃社区 Wellness Council.  Comprised of educators, school health professionals, community partners, and parents.  They meet 2-3 times per year to establish health priorities and wellness promotion strategies based on the needs of 蜜桃社区 schools.

    Nutrition Education & Healthy Eating.  Over 70% of 蜜桃社区 elementary students receive monthly nutrition education and all students who eat school meals are offered a variety of fruits and vegetables every day.  The more students are informed and have access to healthy foods, the more likely they are to make nutritious choices.

    Celebrations & Rewards.  蜜桃社区 encourages celebrating student accomplishments! Please check with your child's school or teacher for birthday celebrations.

    Promoting Healthy Lifestyles.  recess, P.E. walking clubs, jog-a-thons, dance clubs, and in-class energizers all help your child's academic achievement.  Please encourage your child to participate and ensure he/she is active 60 minutes every day!
